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Autumn in Bryce?

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So, autumn’s been in full swing for a couple months now.  I’ve been working on capturing more seasonal landscape photos for my portfolio.  Since the leaves change color at higher elevations first, I began working there.  Bryce Canyon National Park seems like a perfect place to begin.  But is it?  Let’s see what autumn in Bryce looks like.  The results may surprise you.

So, I find autumn leaves in Bryce Canyon to be a challenge.  If you’ve never been there, then you should know that the park is full of evergreen trees.  You’ll find several deciduous trees sprinkled about.  However, most trees you’ll see don’t change color for the season.  This means I must hunt for autumn color.  It’s not easy to find either.

I managed to find some small areas of color.  However, framing them in the camera was an entirely different problem.  So, I’ll show you the best I captured for this year and see what you think.  See if you notice the autumn color in the landscape scene.

Fine art landscape photograph of hoodoos at Bryce Canyon National Park Utah by Cramer Imaging

If you look closely in the right places, you’ll see some yellow leaves peeking out.  However, I found far less fall color than I was hoping to capture that day.  Still, I’ll keep at it as the season and the weather permits.

What do you think of this attempt at autumn colors in Bryce Canyon?  Do you feel it meets with the definition in the title?  How does it or does it not?  Do you have any suggestions for me which would work out better?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.  I welcome the feedback.

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