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Winter Landscapes Transformed

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How many of you have a favorite haunt which you go to for one reason or another?  I’ve got one here and it’s called Bryce Canyon National Park.  I go there a LOT for landscape photography.  There are many photos I take there which I don’t end up sharing with you.  Mostly because they aren’t any good.  However, I’ve got something great to share in the way of winter landscapes.

Most of the time, Bryce Canyon is an amazing place to go visit and to hike.  I know.  I’ve acquired many a beautiful landscape photo out of a short trip there.  However, during the winter, the place completely transforms into something else.  It can even be nothing short of magical in its transformation.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of the sun shining into a foggy snow-covered landscape at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Recently, I felt like I needed to do an early morning photo shoot with the newly fallen snow still as pristine as I could get it.  I arose before the sun rose just for the chance at some photography.  It can be difficult to do some days.

While I had some initial thoughts about where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do with landscape photography that day, I had a feeling to go try someplace else.  That someplace else was, once again, Bryce Canyon.  It ended up being well worth the trip.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a low-lying cloud obscuring the edge of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

When I arrived, there was some deep cloud-cover which I thought might make photos difficult.  Still, it’s far better light than I had been getting lately.  It was worth a try.  I arrived at Bryce Point and found delight with what I saw.  There were low-lying clouds hanging down and creating fog over much of the visible canyon.  I knew, if I played my cards right, I could walk away with some spectacular landscape photography.  So, I immediately got to work looking for that perfect angle to shoot from.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of dawn rising over magical fog the landscape of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

I found the change in the landscape to be very inspiring as I captured several photos of the fog at different angles across the extremely wide view of the canyon.  It felt so magical that morning and I couldn’t help but capture that magic in my photos.  I was also delighted to have the place to myself that morning so I could proceed uninterrupted in my zen.

I was happy to expand my landscape photography portfolio with some more photos of Bryce Canyon and also expand my winter landscapes options with some magical additions.

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