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Christmas-Style Landscape Photos

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Hello landscape photography fans!  I know that you’re taking time away from your Christmas festivities to drop by and check out what’s happening with me.  I do thank you for taking the time to do so.  It means a lot.  Today, I have something light for you.  Let’s take a look at landscape photos from my portfolio which have a Christmas feel or appear to have a Christmas-style to them.

I display these landscape photos in no particular order.  I merely feel that they resonate with a Christmas-style appearance.  You’re free to agree or disagree as to whether or not these landscape photos are indeed Christmas-style landscape photos.

Don’t you feel like you could see any one of these landscape photos on a Christmas card?  I sure do.  Does this give you a quick does of the holiday season just in time?

Yep, this is indeed my current collection of Christmas-style landscape photos.  As most people around here expect winter photos with a certain look or feel, I can only take such photos during certain times of the year.  What do you think of this collection of landscape photos so far?  Do you love them?  Do you hate them?  I know I need more, but please leave your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.  I’d love to read your feedback on what you see here.

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