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Featured by Prime Focus Lab

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In these times of trouble, it’s great to know that there are people out there who will have your back.  It’s good to know that there are people who care about small businesses and want us to succeed.  They desire our success in spite of everything which has been taking place.  I found one such group at Prime Focus Lab.

I wanted to get this out sooner but had a bit of a backlog of news which needed to be published.  So this article comes out a bit later than I had hoped.  Still, you all get to find out about the great news: Prime Focus Lab has decided to feature one of my landscape photos.

A couple of weeks ago, I submitted for a feature with Prime Focus Lab.  Nigel Merrick was kindly offering these features to help out small business photographers, like me, make it through these tough times by featuring one of our favorite photos on his website.  I took him up on the offer.  So, on Sunday, March 29, the article appeared on Prime Focus Lab’s website.

You can check it out for yourself using this link.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of horses grazing in a field against the Teton Mountains of Wyoming

I decided to feature one of my best: Tetons and Horses.  It was just the landscape photo for Nigel to feature.  Included in there is also a condensed version of my artist bio.  You can read the full bio version using this link.

So, a big shout out thank you to Nigel and Prime Focus Lab for featuring my photo in the “Story Behind the Photograph” collection.

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Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape panorama photograph of the sky and moon reflecting in Henry's Lake at dawn with blue and golden hours

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Photograph of falling money on a table and Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photo titled "San Diego Pier"

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