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The Best Part of My Job


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People make lots of assumptions about me when I say that I’m a landscape photographer.  Some of those assumptions are interesting, to say the least.  However, there are a few assumptions which make me raise my eyebrows.  Today, I want to talk about a particular assumption which people make about me and my job: that is what the best part of my job is.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of sunset and dramatic skies at Kolob Canyon Zion National Park Utah

Often times, people assume that the best part about being a landscape photographer must be the travel or the beautiful scenery.  While those are both true, and AMAZING perks of this job, I’d have to say that my very favorite thing is seeing people love my photos and hearing the compliments they choose to share about my work.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of fiery clouds over the Tropic Reservoir in Utah

People always assume that the best part of my job (or yours) are the perks which they themselves would enjoy.  I know people enjoy beautiful scenery and travel.  I do too.  However, I’ve found that I really enjoy what people have to say about my photos even more.  Sure, I’ve had some people detract and criticize.  Every artist does.  But most people have nothing but good to say.  I sit in my gallery and listen to what they say with quiet and dignified satisfaction.  I read positive comments on social media and glow inwardly.

Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape photograph of the Teton mountains and river at moon rising in Tetonia, Teton, Idaho

Still, there’s a story which makes things even better for me.  I once sold some framed photos to a reseller.  He reported back that one of his customers had to buy my photo because she loved it so much.  She started crying when she saw it.  My photo reminded her of her now deceased husband and the good times they had visiting Bryce Canyon together.  With my photo, she keeps some of her favorite memories alive.  That story is absolutely priceless for me.

Photograph of a framed and matted version of Cramer Imaging's "Sunset at Bryce" photo at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

I wanted to share this inside look so you know just how much I love what I do.  Now tell me, what’s the best part about your job?

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Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape panorama photograph of the sky and moon reflecting in Henry's Lake at dawn with blue and golden hours

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Photograph of falling money on a table and Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photo titled "San Diego Pier"

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