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Paging Don Quixote: an Army of Giants Approaches

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Last week, we took a drive out to the Ririe reservoir area in hopes of getting a photo of the lake which we could use as a portfolio addition.  Sadly, our normal luck with getting the shot we came for struck again.  On the way out, I noticed something about the wind turbines which were scattered around in the farm field just above the lake.  I remembered the story of Don Quixote.  It was also sunset.  You know what this means.

You know this means that I had to pull out my camera and try for a consolation shot.  This I did and came up with this beautiful landscape photograph of windmills/wind turbines and a growing field of green.  I think this photo works nicely for that consolation prize.  Don’t you?

Cramer Imaging's landscape photograph of windmills or wind turbines in a field at sunset in Ririe, Idaho
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The orange glow in the sky was just perfect to back light the three blades of each windmill.  There was just enough light to also light up the green field in front.  What was a gorgeous but boring sunset (no clouds) ended up being perfect for the shot above.  Thankfully, no birds were nearby to die on the blades either.

While I was processing up this photo, my spouse took a look at it and said, “Paging Don Quixote.”  The name stuck.  I also remembered how the comical character, wishing he was a knight of old, had charged a windmill claiming it was a giant.  What a misadventure that was.  This scene was a perfect reminder of a humorous part of a classic novel.  Don Quixote’s original single giant somehow multiplied into an army for this photo.  This photo was just as perfect an addition to my portfolio.

So, what do you think of this new landscape photo of mine?  Do you love it?  Do you hate it?  Please share your thoughts and also your feelings in the comments section below.  I’d so love to read your feedback on the matter.

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