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The Earth is Art


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I am a landscape photographer.  By definition, I’m an artist and I focus my art on what the natural world around me provides.  So, I pay a great deal of attention to the world around me.  I find many places where the earth creates the art I seek and photograph.

Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape nature photograph of the Teton River Dam canyon in mist near Driggs, Idaho

I feel that this quote does a great job of summing up my feelings on the matter quite concisely.

“The earth is art, the photographer is only a witness.”
― Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth from Above

I almost feel that I can’t add anything else to that quote.  What more could I say?  However, I will elaborate so that all of you readers can understand how I feel.

Cramer Imaging's fine art nature photograph of golden yellow leaves on trees in Autumn in Utah

In the world of photography, especially landscape and nature photography, the photographer relies upon what the earth creates.  The earth provides the rocks, soil, sand, and other geologic formations.  Trees, bushes, shrubs, grass, flowers, and other plants grow on their own and add color and beauty to the scene.  The sun provides the light overhead.  The earth itself indeed becomes the art.

Cramer Imaging's fine art nature photograph of a red rose flower shot from top down with soft green bokeh

As a landscape photographer, all I need do is choose where I want to stand and how I want to orientate my camera.  I choose what to include and what to remove.  I bear witness to what is in front of my eyes with my camera.  Then I bring that witness home for you to see in the form of my photographs.

When you look at some of my landscape photos, how could you disagree?  The earth is the art and I, as the landscape photographer, bring witness of that art back to you.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a rainbow arc appearing over mountains and a rural cattle field in Utah
Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of fiery clouds over the Tropic Reservoir in Utah
Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape photograph of the Teton mountains and river at moon rising in Tetonia, Teton, Idaho
Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of the sun peeking around the Thor's Hammer hoodoo in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of the sun rising over a green and flowering potato field in Aberdeen, Idaho
Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a blooming field full of large sunflowers in golden hour

In conclusion, I hope you now agree with me about the earth being art.  I sure thinks so.  Do you agree or disagree?  Share your thoughts down in the comments section below.

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Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape panorama photograph of the sky and moon reflecting in Henry's Lake at dawn with blue and golden hours

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