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2019, a Year in Review

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So, 2019 is almost done and one for the history books.  Today, we’d like to take a look back over the year and remember some of the best highlights from the year.  Join us on a brief bit of nostalgia for 2019 at Cramer Imaging.

2019’s Top Blog Post

Cramer Imaging's photograph of Command Brand Strips on a textured white wall which they are not designed for

This year, we added several blog posts to our archives over the year.  Still, there’s one which stands out from the rest dramatically.  It quickly became our most popular post this year with 9621 separate page hits to-date.  This will continue to grow as time passes.

What is this uber popular article?  Why, it’s titled “Do Command Strips Work on Textured Walls?”

If you want to check out this strangely popular article for yourself, use this link below.

2019’s Top Facebook Photo

We’ve shared several photos on social media and our fans have had their favorites.  We’re often surprised by your choices of our photos.  Our top landscape photo on Facebook, as voted on by the fans, is surprising.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a snow-covered Sunset Point at Bryce Canyon National Park Utah

2019’s Top Instagram Photo

Cramer Imaging's professional quality nature landscape photograph of the Natural Arch in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

We’ve been quite active on Instagram this year.  We’ve been sharing photos daily with lots of different levels of interest from the fans.  Once again, our fans do surprise us with their preferences of my photos.  Instagram fans have different preferences than Facebook fans.  This year’s top photograph on my Instagram account is no exception to that trend.

Thanks to analytics on business accounts, I can quickly and easily identify which post this year has captured your love the most.  With 204 likes, 2 comments, and an engagement level of 213, my photo of Bryce Canyon’s natural arch easily takes the top spot for Instagram this year.

Learn more about this photo by using the link below.

2019’s Top Awarded Photo

Several photos of mine were granted awards during 2019.  While any award is a surprise, some awards and photos were complete surprises while others were more expected to receive some attention.  Still, one of my landscape photos stands out from the rest in the awards department.  It’s a bit of a late entry but still counts.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of the sun rising over Bryce Canyon National Park Utah on the summer solstice

Observe my top awarded photo for 2019.  On Viewbug, this photo has received 43 peer awards and 17 Top of Class awards since it’s addition there in October.  These stats alone wouldn’t make this landscape photo particularly remarkable.  Perhaps it’s above average for me but there’s a good reason why I feature this photo as my top awarded photo for 2019.

‘Sun Dance’ has been chosen as a contest finalist on Viewbug more than once this year.  This is the first of my landscape photos to be granted this honor.  If you would like to check out this photo a bit more for yourself, then follow this link below.

2019’s Top Photo by Sales

It should be no surprise to those of you who have hung around for a while that I sell prints of my landscape photos.  After all, what’s the point of being a professional landscape photographer if you don’t sell prints?

As a final look back on 2019, I want to share with you the top photo in sales for 2019.  Once again, if you’ve been around for a while, this particular selection shouldn’t come as a surprise to you.  Behold, the top photo in sales from 2019.

Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape and nature photograph of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah at Sunset Point

It was an added treat to find a client proudly displaying a print in their business for their customers to see and enjoy.

Cramer Imaging';s photograph of our "Sunset at Bryce" landscape photo framed and matted on display at Bryce Canyon Resort Restaurant

If you would like to order a copy of this popular landscape photo for yourself, then use this link below to buy a print today.


So, 2019 has been a busy year with Bryce Canyon landscape photos.  I noticed that every single top photo I had came out of Bryce Canyon.  With that observation, I had to sit back and go “That’s interesting.”  I hope that you enjoy this peek back over 2019 for Cramer Imaging.  I look forward to what 2020 has to off in the way of landscape photography.  How about you?

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Cramer Imaging's professional quality landscape panorama photograph of the sky and moon reflecting in Henry's Lake at dawn with blue and golden hours

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Photograph of falling money on a table and Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photo titled "San Diego Pier"

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