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Chasing Rainbows


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It’s that time of year again.  Monsoon season either approaches or has already arrived.  It’s time for moody clouds during the afternoon and even the occasional rainstorm as well.  We sure need the water.  Still, it also means a lot more rainbows will appear in the sky.  As a landscape photographer, it’s my job to go chase rainbows and landscape scenes.  Here’s my latest experience with chasing rainbows.

For the second time in my life, I chased a rainbow down the street to a clearing a few blocks up.  I stood in the same place to get my shot.  I wonder if I’ll be chasing rainbows consistently down this path.  Here’s a link to the first chasing rainbows story.

I was working out of my art gallery when I noticed that a rainbow appeared.  It wasn’t the full bow but it was still an arc.  It was worth chasing.  So, I basically dropped everything to grab my camera and run down the street in the hopes that it would still be there when I arrived.  This time, I made the mistake of wearing a polyester shirt.  I was drenched with sweat by the time I finished my photography.  Boy did I start feeling that mistake partway through my journey.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a bright rainbow against moody storm clouds over a field in Panguitch, Utah

I did notice the rainbow start fading as I ran.  This happened before.  I wasn’t sure what would happen so I hurried up.  The rainbow was much better and brighter than last time when I arrived.  So, it made for better landscape photography.  I didn’t require my polarizing filter to bring it back much.  I still used it, but it wasn’t crucial this time.

This time, I noticed some very directional light I didn’t see last time.  When I got closer and used the power of telephoto magnification, it made the scene much more interesting.  Even the fading and breaking up of the rainbow added interest.  The dramatic light falling on the landscape made for a great photo.

Cramer Imaging's fine art landscape photograph of a broken rainbow with light streaks against moody storm clouds over a field in Panguitch, Utah

Could I ask for more with this scene?  I’m not sure I could.  It was certainly worth chasing rainbows again even if I did come back and need to change my shirt.

What do you think of these latest rainbow landscape photo additions?  Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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